Biyernes, Hunyo 15, 2012


           Today, I'm happy to see that my designed biomass stove is already in excellent performance after much adjustments had been made.  It is so designed to feed rough biomass: like dry leaves of any plant, saw dust, paper etc. Of course, regular fire wood is best fuel for this stove. It is top-lit, bottom-fed and can operate long hours of cooking.  More than a month ago, I gathered three sacks dry mahogany leaves from under the woods in our backyard. I brought it in the kitchen, for observation if it could be used as fuel.  I'm right!  It could be utilized for cooking our food.  It just gave out good flame.  And those three sacks of dry leaves were salvaged  from being spoiled in that non-agricultural soil. .I'm not so much concern on salvaging those wasted energy, but rather I'm enjoying the fact that I don't have to spend so much on buying expensive kitchen fuels. 

Martes, Hunyo 12, 2012

Food All Arond Us

           In the beginning of time, the Creator filled the air, land and seas of things edible even before He created mankind. The Lord put the man in the garden to dress it and keep it.  Man's fall to sin though brought  curse to the ground.  But there in nature have much sustainance for man, yet he must have to work harder for it.  As part of the curse, the Lord said, "In  the sweat of thy face thou shalt eat bread.  .  ."   Livestock and agriculture were then developed in man's effort to make  food procurement in much easy way.  Continual or even occasional curse upon the ground and in the works of man's hand are sent from above as it had been warned  in the condition set forth: "blessing if you will obey, and curse if you will disobey."  The plan of  God is to intervene, and here is a glimpse of the future written in Micha  4:4, "But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hosts has spoken it.